2011年9月25日 星期日

Ms Shui-Shan (雪山小姐)

I was driving through the very long tunnel Shui-Shan for going to Yi-Lang yesterday. It took me 15 min to pass through the entire tunnel.
The radio was playing in my car. Suddenly, Ms Shui-Shan interrupted the radio broadcasting and she started to speak-- The traffic is heavy at the moment. Please drive carefully and safely.....
Starting with a few beeps to indicate that she was going to speak, she then spoke slowly and clearly, with a bit of unavoidable reverbation, to all the people in the tunnel.
My friends in the car thought that if she spoke even more slowly, people in the tunnel would feel quite creepy about the environment!
Since then, when we were passing through a tunnel, we thought about Ms Shui-Shan and we laughed about this experience.

